Monday, May 23, 2011

If Your Not Going To Wear Panties At A Car Show You're Better Off Not Wearing Anything

How many times have we seen female models and female celebrities caught showing their panties while climbing out of a car? This happens very frequently because those women still haven't ever learned to keep their legs closed as they push out the door. The good news for most of those women is that they are normally wearing panties and that help prevent photos of any pubic hair or maybe even photos with a little lip action.
Now considering most women can't handle climbing out of a car once without giving a panty flash it would be reasonable to assume a woman who is going to a car show would make damn sure to put on some panties considering she'll be climbing in and out of many different cars...
Well Vivi Wang proved everyone wrong back in 2009 when she got photographed not wearing any panties while climbing out of a car at a car show. It's possible that this was an accident but... When you see someone like Miley Cyrus do the shit that she does... As frequently as she does it... You eventually stop believing in accidents.

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