Friday, April 1, 2011

Another Shy Asian Amateur With Big Boobs, Really Real Big Boobs

Here is an Asian chick with ridiculously large boobs to wipe that last post from your memory and to spike Robin McCue's Naughty Blog's pageviews before the weekend. Odds are this well-endowed lady is related to that scandal with mainland models in Taiwan. And she is another up-and-coming model from China doing some nude work overseas to earn money. If that is true it would mean there are a lot more photos belonging to this set. Now I don't know if those big puppies are real and natural but I would like to think they are 100% God given. Anyway, remember to join the Robin McCue's Naughty Blog's fan page on Facebook at and feel free to leave a suggestion or comment there. And remember to send more interesting pictures and videos (of individuals 18 year-old or older) to ASAP. Click on pictures to enlarge.

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