Saturday, March 12, 2011

Whoops! USC Frat Boy Distributes Memo on How to Score, Finds Its Way Onto Internet

It must be a monumental day for frat guys everywhere. Lots of work has been done by many in the college Greek system to show that frat brothers are not the cavemen that they have been made out to be in media.


Well, fellas, it looks like someone just made the whole cause take a step backward. Rife with almost every cliche in the "frat-guys-are-douchebags" handbook, this email went out to a few students at USC from a member of Kappa Sigma, and it doesn't paint him or his bros in the most flattering light. In fact, one might say it kind of makes him look like an asshole.
It would be one thing if this thing was funny or clever, but it really just reads like Date Rape for Dummies. An especially nice touch is the "fine line" he draws between non-consent and rape. Whoever said chivalry is dead can get the hell out right now, cause this guy's hemmoraging it!
Because we love out readers (but mostly cause we don't want you leaving our site) we've posted the memo or whatever the hell it is in its entirety (via Jezebel). Enjoy. And, uh, don't be like this guy. Unless you want to make it harder for all of us to get laid.

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