Thursday, March 10, 2011

Maria Ozawa Wears American Apparel For Porn Shoot

Bucky and I are long term fans of Dov Chaney’s hipster fashion empire, American Apparel, not for the clothes mind you, but their racy ads. Actually, word around the office is that Bucky secretly wears AA underwear under his otherwise spiffy attire. He likes feeling the sweat and tears of sexually harassed fourteen year old store clerks that have soaked into the cotton that know snuggle his nut snack. Don’t worry Bucky, I’ll let you spank reprimand me for letting the secret out.
Not only do we have Chaney to thank for single-handedly making it okay for legions of chicks to wear leggings as pants (camel toes around the world say I), but he’s also provided porn stylists with the means to barely dress their models. Dov Chaney wishes this was one of his ads, but no, pornstar Maria Ozawa is giving him all the publicity he needs without so much as receiving a pretty please. On second thought, she probably lucked out. At least she didn’t have to give Dov a blow job for the pleasure of modeling for him.
No matter what you have against American Apparel, and there’s enough of that shit to fill a book, they sure make a sexy pair of pantyhose.
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